CPP lawmaker Im Sothy passes away

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The late Im Sothy. National Assembly
Ros Chanveasna / Khmer Times, December 8, 2017

Im Sothy, a lawmaker for the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), has passed away early morning today. He was  70 years old.

The National Assembly’s Secretary General Leng Penglong confirmed with Khmer Times that Mr Sothy died as a result of illness declined to reveal additional information.

Mr Penglong said, “The National Assembly received information from His Excellency Im Sothy’s family that he passed away at about 4:45 am in his house at Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district.”

Mr Sothy has served as Education Minister from 2004 to 2013. He was elected to represent  Kampong Cham province as a member of the national assembly until his death.

In 2015 alone, three other veteran CPP lawmakers had passed away: Kong Heang, a 65-year-old from Kampong Speu province who died in late September and So Khun, a 71-year-old lawmaker from Takeo province who died in late January after a long bout with silicosis while Chaem Savay, a 61-year-old from Kampong Cham province died in August 2015 of cancer.

From KI Media - Khmer Intelligence


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